Sexual Astrology 兩性關係本週週勢 2014年3月10日-3月16日
文:迦勒底Chaldean & Sexual Astrology
摩羯 | 水瓶 | 雙魚 |
白羊 | 金牛 | 雙子 |
巨蟹 | 獅子 | 處女 |
天秤 | 天蠍 | 射手 |
Breaking free from past habits and attachments, seeking emotional freedom, sudden changes of mood, and the development of new attitudes towards life are key issues now. Also, you want to share whatever good fortune you have. You need company and happy fellowship. It's a good time for a party, as long as you don't overdo it.
Inspiration, increased imagination, and rejuvenation of spiritual ideals are key issues now. Your imagination and intuition are very keen now. If you are involved in an imaginative area such as art, music, theatre, or writing fiction, you will find that fresh, new insights and creative inspirations give added zest and originality to your work.
你現在是非常衝動和焦躁不安的,而且你喜歡在沒有深謀遠慮和不考慮後果的情況下,很快的說事情或者做事情。你傾向於在嘴上咄咄逼人,和不同意你觀點的人或簡單妨礙你的人開始吵架。值得肯定的是,此時你的頭腦是非常清晰和反應迅速的, 而且可以很有精力的解決問題和任務。
You are very impulsive and restless now and you are likely to act or speak too quickly without sufficient forethought or concern for the consequences. You tend to be verbally aggressive, starting fights with people who don't agree with you or who simply get in your way. Positively, you are very sharp and clear mentally at this time, and can attack problems and tasks with great vigor.
Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts flourish.
At this time you are objective and can make some clear decisions about where you are headed or what the next step to achieve your important personal goals should be. Your judgement is sound at this time. You may have an important professional conference or a conversation about your career. This is an excellent time to seek out your superiors or those in a position to help you advance.
This is a good time to assert your own needs and desires, to communicate to others what you really want. You are sharp, clear, decisive, and articulate. You can't stand being idle now; you are ready for challenging, intellectual activities and attacking difficult problems on the job.
Your imagination is stirred, you feel inspired, restless, and ready for bigger and better things in your life. You want to break out of your usual routine and explore more imaginative and creative options.
Your long-range goals, life direction, or career aims come into focus now. You gain clarity or a stronger sense of purpose, which energizes your efforts to get ahead or move toward what you really want. Recognition or support from your superiors or others who are in a position to assist you is likely now, especially if you take some initiative.
Your desire for love and affection, as well as beauty and pleasure, is strong now and you act on feelings and creative impulses more readily than usual. If you are not happy with some aspect of your personal life, these issues arise at this time and there may be disagreements or tension in a close relationship.
Your amorous feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time, and you tend to be very demanding of a lover's energy and affection. Tensions may erupt in close relationships because one of you feels that you have been giving more, and not receiving enough in return, or one of you is more amorous than the other. Frustrated love desire can easily turn to anger or irritability at this time.
Confusion, inability to focus on mundane tasks, poor understanding or miscommunication between yourself and others, and the desire to evade real responsibilities and challenges are negative potentials for you now. You are more sensitive, impressionable, dreamy, or idealistic at this time also.
At this time you are more temperamental, impassioned and inclined to act on the dictates of emotion and desire rather than reason. Minor annoyances and others' idiosyncrasies aggravate you more than usual. You are in a fighting mood. Your relationships with your family and the women you are closest to, are likely to be stormy.
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文:迦勒底Chaldean & Sexual Astrology
Sexual Astrology