Jennifer Shepherd 詹妮弗一週愛情運勢 2014年3月24日 ~ 3月30日



摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



The sun is making you super lusty. If you're currently single, you'll want to fix that situation as soon as possible. If you're in a relationship, you'll want to hold your lover hostage and stage a long seduction event.



Saturn is making it harder for you to get what you want, romantically. If y ou're in a relationship, maybe you're hoping to take things to the next level, but your partner keeps resisting. If you're single, you could have your eyes on someone who doesn't yet know you're alive.



Venus is bringing out your crazy side. You'll want to surprise your partner with something. Schedule a hot encounter on your apartment rooftop. Or put together a fun event at home that involves a whole new approach to love and seduction.



You're not going to get what you want if you push too hard this week. A moon opposition is telling you to take it slow. Be gentle if you're trying to impress that certain someone. And be kind if you're working at improving a long-term relationship that has been troubled.



Venus is inspiring you to try new ideas. Maybe you've been approaching this whole love thing the wrong way. If you used to be aggressive, it's time to act more laid back. Or if you were too passive, you should stand up for what you want.



You could feel bothered and confused by that certain someone. Mercury is making it harder for you to connect with your true feelings. Don't rush into anything. Consider talking with a good friend, therapist, or spiritual counselor.



The more you try to cling to someone, the more that person might pull away from you. Mars is telling you to play it cool. Sometimes applying more pressure to the situation only makes it worse. Even though your desires are strong right now, you need to chill out.



Saturn is trying to bring you healing, so don't fight it. You might need to make an unexpected decision in order to let go of some toxic energy in your love life. Maybe there is a former flame who shouldn't remain your friend anymore. Make some changes.



Tomorrow can be very different from today. ​​The moon is reminding you that every day you create your future. From the ashes of the past, you can construct something that is going to be much more positive and nurturing for you.



You'll enjoy spending time with casual friends this week as the moon enhances your social energy. Keep it light. You need a break from some of the intense stuff you've been dealing with lately. Hang out with people who can cheer you up .



Somebody you thought was cold towards you might suddenly warm up. If you have a crush on someone who has always been unavailable, he or she might finally become interested in you now. Venus is increasing your desirability.



You could discover new levels of passion with someone as the moon increases your sensuality. Sometimes you can be way too shy for your own good, but this week, you'll be far less inhibited. Express your true desires without fear or judgment or rejection.


文:譯典園 & Jennifer Shepherd