順應潮流不易發現新鮮事,改變步伐能帶你走向不同的事情 :)

Debbi Frank 黛比弗蘭克 2015年9月28日 - 10月4日一週運勢


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



The totally eclipsed Full Moon in your sign on Monday 28th makes you a force to be reckoned with! Eclipses are turbo-charged packets of energy that last for at least six months and therefore you need to be decisive about letting go of what you no longer need and embark on what’s relevant now.



It’s good to take stock of your feelings when an eclipsed Full Moon brings so much up to the surface. Don’t act or react, but allow yourself some time and space to process your thoughts and emotions. This will give you an opportunity to reconfigure your past, present and future.



Projects and ideas are either running out of steam or gathering momentum so concentrate on where the energy is. As the Sun and Mercury connect on Wednesday you’re gathering information that can make things work. Regard this week as a turning point and don’t waste any more time on how things used to be.



If you feel overwhelmed at the time of the totally eclipsed Full Moon it’s because your emotions are being triggered and a lot is going on! You have reached a point where something needs to come out…. This should be a decisive time that marks a culmination of your efforts in a particular direction. What next? You need to set your new cycle in motion.



No one else seems to understand that although you are the Royal sign – you are seldom treated that way! In fact, you often know how to work the crowd and radiate magnificence but now it’s important to have your own agenda and set a path that manifests your future. Begin by deleting thought patterns that hold you back.



s Mars has just entered your sign there’s an extra sense of purpose about your work and goals. However, the totally eclipsed Full Moon circulates an energy of over-load so recognise where other people are coming from instead of exerting your will. As the Sun joins with Mercury on Wednesday talking things through is helpful.



The eclipsed Full Moon flags up unresolved emotional dilemmas that need to be cleared and released. Don’t allow anyone to tell you what to do or how you should feel. Letting go of the past is essential now as anything that drags on is detrimental. You feel more assertive and clear in your thoughts and can tell it like it is.



It’s important to gather the right people around you now as Mars activates a stronger team and tribe. You’re getting to be part of something that matches with your beliefs and goals. The totally eclipsed Full Moon on the 28th presents the theme of the next six months as far as work and well-being are concerned. You need closure on some aspects to make way for the new.



As Mars activates a highly focused period for your goals and ambitions you need to know exactly who is on your side and how to create the atmosphere that will manifest your aims. Catching up with people and re-opening talks is one way of ascertaining if something is worth carrying into your future.



A powerful energy in the cosmos care of the totally eclipsed Full Moon needs to work through before you can get a handle on changes that are being made. The old structures and set-ups are altering and clearing the decks both personally and professionally will ultimately be liberating.



Eclipses often prompt situations beyond your control. Yet it’s how you deal with them that counts. At the moment you’re getting information in and need to ask a lot of questions before forming your own opinion and deciding on a course of action. Make it yours, not theirs!



As Mars in Virgo is on your case you’re finding people unusually assertive. Funding and finances are also being flagged up by the eclipse which necessitates a round of discussion. You may need to re-work an old arrangement or find something new altogether.


