肚子餓想吃東西的時候不需急也不需慌,仔細聽聽你的肚子想吃什麼,才有機會吃到美味 :)

Debbi Frank 黛比弗蘭克 2015年10月26日 - 11月1日一週運勢


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



Your style is energetic and dynamic so you can use the Full Moon to drive yourself forward. Particularly when it comes to advancing your resources and earning power. This is not a fantasy moment, but a real opportunity to achieve long held hopes and wishes.


本次金牛座的滿月讓你能夠放縱自我,放縱情緒,你會覺得自己好像攀上了一個有些令人目眩的高峰。然而,生活中總有一群人,他們覺得自己的需要才更為重要。當太陽與海王星形成一個互為理解的三分相位時,你將更能夠站在他人的角度去看待事情, 這會讓你充滿治癒的力量。

As the Full Moon in Taurus enables you to indulge yourself and your feelings you can reach some dizzying heights. However, there is always someone else out there who believes their needs are more important. As the Sun reaches a point of understanding with Neptune you can empathise more than usual which has a healing effect.



As the Full Moon activates one of the most sensitive areas of your chart you feel as if others are calling the shots. However, this is an important time to make appropriate changes to your life-style and set-up and you will benefit from being willing to make them. The capacity to let go of the past is important.



You consider your best friends to be part of your team or your tribe, even a second family. Therefore when the Full Moon puts these connections in the spotlight you’re likely to give of your all. This should have a heart-warming effect for everyone concerned. Healing is not necessarily a hands-on experience but can happen with a simple kindness.



Making your intentions clear to others relieves a situation of anxiety and as the Full Moon peaks on the life-direction point of your chart you need to put yourself out there. Of course the work/life balance scenario is always a juggle, but there are certain priorities that must take precedence now.



You’re still glowing from the presence of Mars, Venus and Jupiter in Virgo which gives you blessings from the cosmos and in the form of relationships and the material world. Of course, they don’t guarantee perfection, but don’t look for the worm in the apple at this stage. The Full Moon encourages you to look beyond your immediate daily concerns to a brighter future.



Since the Full Moon highlights what you share with others in the form of worldly goods, relationships, business ventures both past and present you are now being asked to evaluate what is in your best interests. Too often you have conceded your power and desires but you must wish on your own star this week.



The Full Moon is a factor that draws your attention to other people this week. How are things working out? Someone is likely to make a big impact on you and your biggest joy can be human relationship. Letting go of what happened in the past is a major step towards allowing the magic to take place in the future.



Something needs tweaking in your lifestyle or system and the Full Moon flags up what needs to be done. It can feel overwhelming to perform a major overhaul, but with Saturn in your sign you can make small differences that clear out whatever is past its sell-by-date or relevance.



Just because you appear to be serious and switched on, doesn’t mean you don’t have a more playful side. This is currently being activated so that you can relax into more pleasurable pursuits. You’ve got enough people around you who really get you, so let your barriers down and enjoy being yourself.



You’ve having to balance your personal life and professional interests carefully and the Full Moon is showing you where you’ve got out of synch. However, people really do understand where you’re coming from and you’re likely to experience a far greater flow as a result.



Your path in life is opening up to wider options. Right now you’re busy researching information and ideas that will take you and your projects to a new destination either mentally or physically. As the Sun in Scorpio lines up with Neptune in Pisces later in the week your intuition is spot on.


