太陽即將進入雙魚,強調著愛、創造性和愉悅 :)

Debbi Frank 黛比弗蘭克 2016年2月15日 - 2月21日一週運勢


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



You could spend 24/7 in the company of others given the amount of people who want to see you these days. However, you must choose who you hang out with quite carefully as from Friday the Sun enters the ashram sector of your skies and you could do with some reflective down-time. Of course, meditation could be the answer for you, aligning your mind, body and spirit rather than your tribe or team. Om Shanti…


你正站在陽光下,水星和金星在你的天空正中央。這個翻譯過來就是你期待一個更大的輪廓,更多的鮮花,並且因你的才能而來的如海嘯般的崇拜。你極需另一種聯繫 – 太陽移入到了象徵精神性的雙魚座,緊隨而來的是22號真誠的滿月,承諾給予你某件你一直渴望的事情。

You’re standing under the bright lights of the Sun, Mercury and Venus on your midheaven. Translated this means you can expect a much bigger profile, more followers and a tsunami of appreciation for your talents and skills. Still, you hunger for another level of connection – and the Sun’s move into spiritual Pisces followed by a heart-felt Full Moon on the 22nd promises to give you something you’ve longed for.



You have the itchiest of feet and need some escape route or interesting get-out clause that will stimulate your mind, rather than having you live in Groundhog Day. Collecting people is your personal hobby, but there are more crowding to get into your world. However, an ambitious streak is being triggered so stick with your own agenda.



You’re allowing others access into your deeply private world where your inner feelings reside, your personal history and emotional biography. As long as you feel certain people are safe then this is an opportunity to release some of your baggage. But you will switch from this state into a yearning for adventure and pastures new. The Sun is moving into the zone that allows you to explore many avenues, some of which are far afield. It’s time!



On Wednesday, the love goddess Venus arrives in Aquarius, your opposite number, heightening your level of receptivity to others. You can open up a lot more and feel the glow of attention that is your number one trigger for flourishing as a Leo. However, at this point, you want to go a lot deeper and with the Full Moon coming up you’re looking at where idealism and logistics can meet.



Once the Sun moves into Pisces, accenting how you relate to others you will inevitably feel that certain relationship issues must be addressed. The Virgo Full Moon next Monday 22nd can make you unusually overwhelmed and this is not the time to make rash decisions. Look at what’s surfacing as an opportunity for analysis and discussion rather than knee-jerk reactions.



You often find any form of creativity or experiencing something beautiful alleviates stress. Keeping company with those who are on that wave-length is going to do you a world of good. However, there are certain practical issues that also need addressing. Get rid of anything that is blocking up your life.



Your personal life and needs must come first at the moment and once the Sun moves into Pisces accenting love, creativity and pleasure there is no looking back. Your spark is being ignited and there are many ways in which it can be expressed. You’re beginning to move into new worlds containing the kinds of people who bring out the best in you.



You’ve known for a while that certain doors have been closing and whilst you may be relieved to unburden yourself of tedious situations you’re going to be much happier when new doors open. This is the kind of week that allows new people to make contact, for opportunities to present and new ideas to emerge.



The financial side of life has been uppermost in recent weeks but from Friday you’re ready to engage with new projects and ideas. This is the time to strategise for the long-term, balancing what is in the here and now with future outcomes.



You’re coming alive with the presence of Mercury and Venus which make you feel even more sociable than usual. You’re in the flow of communication and relationship which brings valuable connections. However, financial transactions are also coming up that require focus and a detached perspective.



You feel as though you’ve been waiting in the wings for things to shape up. Suddenly there is lift off from Friday when the Sun enters Pisces, followed a few days later by the high-voltage Full Moon in Pisces. Instead of wondering how things would work out you are now in the thick of it and with the total eclipse in Pisces coming up on March 9th this is a pivotal time to make vital life changes.

