設立停損點不非是夢想的阻礙,它能幫你調整方向再次啟航 :)

Debbi Frank 黛比弗蘭克 2015年11月2日 - 11月8日一週運勢


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



A dynamic tango between Venus and Mars is setting one situation alight this week. It could be that you find yourself meeting fire with fire, it could burn brightly as a flame of passion or a working project that ignites your desire. This week propels you forward.



Both Mercury and the Sun are wonderfully placed in your opposite sign of Scorpio making this the week to choose if you wish to make more of a relationship or business connection. Previous issues can serve to make a relationship stronger. Being warm of spirit magnetises great energy.



If your body is your temple this is the time to worship it. The current cosmic climate suggests you gain great benefit from getting into alignment with ways of acting and thinking that promote greater wellness. The home front is sparky and dynamic, your mind is open and receptive.



Having your heart in something is a phrase that attracts your attention. When you do, then everything seems to flow and the cosmos is actively affirming all that you hold dear. Your capacity to make a relationship stronger through tackling difficult issues is now obvious and greater depth adds greater connection.



Positive alignments this week could work wonders for your cash flow or at least spark something for your future. Besides, you’re building foundations that feel as if they will underpin everything you desire for yourself. Inner serenity and emotional security are the basis of all good things.



The fandango tango between Venus and Mars in your sign means you have to be fast and furious in order to attract attention. What you’ve put together has strengthened your bargaining power, now all you have to do is extend a creative line of thinking into the future.



Somewhere in the background of your life, in your past or in your unconscious is a huge amount of energy wanting to be released. With a brilliant line up of planets in Scorpio you can translate this into something that works to your benefit. For too long you have undersold your talents, yet you are on the brink of a major wave of appreciation.



You truly deserve to move beyond situations that have tested you to the limit. With a reassuring cosmic alignment in Scorpio you can transcend the old thought patterns and rise again like phoenix from the ashes. This is a special time for powerful breakthroughs.



Something needs tweaking in your lifestyle or system and the Full Moon flags up what needs to be done. It can feel overwhelming to perform a major overhaul, but with Saturn in your sign you can make small differences that clear out whatever is past its sell-by-date or relevance.



You should have no trouble persuading others that you have what it takes this week. In fact, you’re ready to showcase your strengths and work at delivering a more substantial future. Often you take the practical route, but you could do well by showing that you do have an instinct for emotional intelligence too.



The kind of rewards you look for in life are often distinctly different from other signs. Yet whatever floats your boat is now in sight as you’re able to display a remarkable capability that impresses others. Shrug it off if you must, but secretly aren’t you pleased that the detractors are fading and your supporters are rallying?



What is it that you really want, where are you going and what are you after? These questions are important this week as you seek to discover the right path. The cosmos is lighting your way so follow your instincts – you will find perfect synchronicity and signposts surround you.


