送上大衛桑克的週運,雖然快要過了,還是可以看看喔 :)

David Zunker 大衛桑克每週占星運勢 2016年1月8日 至 1月14日



Last week was a potentially tumultuous purge of what we want to leave behind. We have identified what will be associated with 2015 and the past, and what we will carry on with as a priority in 2016. This forecast holds the New Moon in Capricorn on Saturday. Here is the starting of initiative for the New Year. The symbol for this 20th degree of Capricorn is "A HIDDEN CHOIR SINGING DURING A RELIGIOUS SERVICE". This conveys the idea of the elevation of mood, vibration, and perspective for a purpose. This is what we can carry forth into the next month and the entire year. The New Moon is in loose aspects with the fading Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Virgo. The Uranus square Pluto aspect has been with us since 2012. It has spurred us into making changes and planning changes, which provide our lives with more freedom and a new way of viewing status and security. Jupiter in Virgo is already demonstrating that these changes can be accomplished in a methodical and practical way. It seems very appropriate, with the New Moon at 5:31 pm PST, that folks may make some magic for the betterment of their lives at this time. Create an initiative for the next year, but be sure to include how that will begin over the next week, and focus upon this at the time of the New Moon. With Mercury retrograde, begin your personal initiative with changing personal routines and habits. Ourselves is all that we can control.

Mercury began a 3 week retrograde phase last week, which turns thinking inward and slows down outward progress into new initiatives for 5 weeks. These periods are good for reviewing past efforts, catching up on old intentions, and sorting through what goes on inside of ourselves. As we learn how our own thinking and attitudes create our lives, these periods are shown to be important. Each year holds about 3 of these Mercury retrograde periods. This year all 3 are in the 3 Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, and then Virgo. We are encouraged to make practical, grounded, and effective changes in our personal lives, which will have a direct impact upon the quality of life that we experience.

The big aspects this week work together to point to practical and solid steps for interesting and constructive growth. The sequence begins on Friday with Venus conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius. This symbolizes a grounding of the affections and compassion into a practical perspective of what is attainable and real. Glamour tinged ideals of a hoped for life and hoped for relationship fall away to reveal more realistic emotional goals. The New Moon on Saturday holds the seeds for new initiatives for new ways of living and being. Through the week we have Venus trine Uranus, Sun trine Jupiter, Sun conjunct Mercury, and Mercury trine Jupiter. Venus aligning with Saturn then trining Uranus encourages us to take practical steps towards our own liberation from beliefs, feelings, and habits that do not serve us. The Sun and Mercury aligning during Mercury"s retrograde period as both are favorably trined with Jupiter shows an alignment with personal growth and worldly opportunity.

摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手














週五在交流溝通上要清晰且專業。你正在領導層的留意之下。本週末(譯:的星象) 非常鼓勵你為想要如何生活構造新的願景。週日新月北京時間早上9 :31左右花時間想像你想要事物如何存在/呈現於你家中。週一與親密的人間有愉悅的驚喜。本週剩下的時間適合建立新的常規慣例。努力讓這些新常規慣例促使成功。




週五,你終於看清了內心的感受和情感關係. 真實做自己就好。週日的新月建議你把重心放在辦事效率、成果質量和收入回報上。要想出一些能讓自己進一步經濟獨立的方法。本週,你能夠踏出實現某個新穎想法的第一步,而這個點子今後將成為你的致勝法寶。要在盟友和支持者之中激發拚搏事業所需的熱忱。








