在意著他人的想法或眼光,會容易困住自己,會容易迷失方向 :)

Debbi Frank 黛比弗蘭克 2015年9月21日 - 9月27日一週運勢


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



Autumn Equinox energy represents a balancing act that needs to be done so that you draw in everything that has been over-extended in the Summer. People are saying the wrong thing but you are clear and decisive in response. As Mars enters the most practical zone of your chart on Friday your priorities are about skill-sets, work, health and efficiency.



Getting back down to earth is never a problem for you as it’s where you prefer to be in contrast to some of the airhead signs! You’re looking for more order and structure. Despite the little glitches of Mercury’s retrograde motion, you’re the go-to person for that common sense approach.



Your mind is in a spin cycle care of Mercury’s retro motion, but think of it as taking out excess and rendering you new and clean. Besides, it’s fun to play with some ideas, discarding those that touch into control issues and concentrate on getting your life together from a home, family and personal perspective.



The gathering in of the harvest Autumn Equinox season re-sets your priorities for the last thrust of the year. There are still some questions with no perfect answers but let them simmer and recognise the thrill you get from projects that bring you mentally alive.



You can tap into a trajectory that makes perfect sense if only it could be executed without other people’s precious egos. Therein lies the rub: you have to engage in some power politics sometimes. But know that Mars is leaving you on Friday and you can relax at long last.



You’re experiencing a delicate balance right now and must be careful not to engage in a war of words or critical thinking that upsets sensitivities. Once Mars enters Virgo on Friday and stays with you until mid-November you’ll realise that you have more power to your elbow, more driving force, more zeal and motivation than any other sign.



Autumn Equinox is your return to Libra time and a better balance in your life. Still Mercury is reversing through your sign which makes communication a little fraught. Be a strategist and play the long game. By mid-November you will have Mars in Libra and then it’s all yours.



As the Sun enters the most psychic and spiritual zone of your chart you have a need to tune into yourself and others. Your inner world is the place where you receive the most awareness and potential for awakening – which enables you to reach a higher frequency in your life. People all want a piece of you – but ration yourself!



Positioning yourself amongst the right team or tribe is essential now. You realise you can’t just fit in anywhere but have to be around like minded people. As Mars actions your goals at the zenith of your solar chart you’re feeling extremely purposeful.



As Mercury locks into Pluto in your sign during its retrograde motion something you’ve been dealing with comes up again for review. This won’t be the end of it either as you’re getting a final fly past on October 22nd. Give yourself plenty of time to think.



Long term plans are being formulated. Yet you feel you’re not in control of your own destiny as other people are trying to force their views on you. They have another think coming! You might take it all in, but as an Aquarian you will ultimately do your own thing.



It’s time to dig a little deeper into relationships. That could mean some awkward questions or sensitive material – but you’re brilliant at putting people at their ease. As Mars begins a 6 week residency in Virgo you’ll find those close to you are ready to move things on.


