有些人看起來很一般很普通,卻在某個領域是位大師,但你並不知道 :)

Debbi Frank 黛比弗蘭克 2015年10月12日 - 10月18日一週運勢


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



A New Moon in your opposite sign of Libra is a signal of new life, a fresh start, an opportunity to start over when it comes to how you relate with others. You’re so good at putting the past behind you, so time your leap forwards for this week. By next weekend you should feel distinctly encouraged.



Your capacity to hold steady in a storm is one of your great attributes. Even when you recognise that the whole constellation of your everyday life is in flux it’s often the simple things you hold dear that steer you through. This is a moment to savour your own definition of the good things in life.



Your lightness of spirit is a fabulous quality when the going gets tough. You know how to bring the emotional atmosphere up and reconnect people to something playful, creative and fun. In this place, you can get everyone relaxed enough to make important decisions without the old tensions re-surfacing.



Your internal emotional energy is shifting with a new cycle that begins at New Moon time. So you can move forward from old, stagnant memories and embrace your future. It’s really an emotional detox that frees you from feelings that have limited you. As more space becomes available you’re also more optimistic about embarking on projects that have potential.



Discussions that hit the buffers only weeks ago could get a new lease of life with the New Moon’s fresh energy on Tuesday. At least you can see things differently now and there’s an abundance of goodwill to make things profitable. You may not be in the realm of solid guarantees yet – but there’s something you can work with here.



Venus, Mars and Jupiter are a big presence in Virgo but they can feel as if you’re on a joy-ride or a hiding to nowhere. This week’s New Moon is also a jolt to the status quo so you need to pick your way through the myriad of available possibilities and work through them, discarding what isn’t viable and choosing those that look most practical and promising.



The Libra New Moon opens a window in your life but you’re still unsure as to where this breath of fresh air will take you. As you’ve just come through a meeting of Mercury, the North Node and Moon it seems you’re looking at an ending of old associations and memories. You need to trust that something better is coming.



As the New Moon falls in the most spiritual sector of your skies you’re being pulled away from the hustle and bustle of worldly matters and need to contemplate the invisible realm. Encouraging signs are prompting you to connect up with those who share your most heartfelt ideals. Are they sent from heaven?



Currently you’re in an Alice in Wonderland world where things appear smaller and bigger than their true size. It’s all a question of proportion. A desire to activate a team effort will help you navigate as others see things differently. What you all agree is that something positive is in the air.



A new profile is required as you recognise the old one no longer fits. You’re working on new goals, climbing a new mountain. Once you get hold of your strong sense of purpose it’s relatively easy to access all the inner strength you need to conquer all obstacles.



A New Moon highlights new information, horizons and vantage points and propels you into a sense of adventure. Besides you have a huge amount of support for your journey be it mental, spiritual or physical. The only area that holds little appeal is the one you occupy now so standing still is not an option.



Venus, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo are a handful – so when it comes to other people you’re being kept on your toes. Sometimes it feels like a playful dance, other times you just don’t know what to make of it. The important thing is to maintain the connection.


