看起來溫柔好相處的人,也會有他堅持固執的一面 :)

Debbi Frank 黛比弗蘭克 2015年10月19日 - 10月25日一週運勢


摩羯 水瓶 雙魚
白羊 金牛 雙子
巨蟹 獅子 處女
天秤 天蠍 射手



An on-going saga can be resolved if you put your mind to it this week. Linear answers may not be enough – you need to dig really deep to come up with the solution that transforms whatever has been blocking you.



No-one realises quite what it takes to hold things steady from your point of view. But there you are, still standing when all around you have been taking a more hysterical route. Now you feel pleased that there’s more joy in your life. With the Sun’s move into your relationship zone on Friday, it’s time to move things forward.



Your personal stars are lifting and something is opening up for you which brightens your home and family life. Nevertheless since September you’ve been aware that decisions have to be made and each time it comes up, people get very defensive. You need to speak your truth without making others wrong.



Great discussions are filling you with optimism about certain projects and plans. But don’t take offence if someone doesn’t see everything your way – it’s all grounds for finding more effective strategies. Besides, your personal happiness is taking off, so why dwell on differences?



Feeling abundant has much to do with lessening anxiety rather than net worth. Investing in yourself can generate greater confidence. As the Sun heads into powerful Scorpio at the end of the week you have to nourish yourself from the roots up.



The recent union of Mars and Jupiter in your sign has given you a positive opening. It might not seem real yet, but there are hopeful signs that your future is looking brighter. Re-frame any financial issues as part of the labour pains occurring in any birth. You’re about to enhance your life.



It takes a deeper understanding to know that some kind of invisible force is guiding you, yet this is exactly what’s going on. You need to stand firm on Thursday when an on-going issue should be resolved once and for all. You can’t back into that old drama.



Auspicious alignments are helping you create bonds with people on your wave-length – so you make a great team and sharing a vision is giving you a sense of purpose now. This is also a period when your attraction to people and projects, even the things you gaze at in the shop window is under-going a profound sense of Scorpionic style.



Mars and Jupiter are doing a lot to make your glass half full, even though Saturn in Sagittarius warns that you must be careful and savour every drop. In fact, as the Sun dips into the most reflective portion of your skies from Friday you could do with a little meditation, time out and replenishment.



For some time you’ve been dealing with a situation that has pressed all your buttons. This week as Mercury passes across the line of Pluto you have to say what you really think. Then let it go and rise above the whole situation, for your own good.



obvious that hard-line decisions are testing and it’s impossible to please everyone. However, as the Sun is about to peak on your midheaven this is all about you. Don’t let it be about anyone else.



Positive people are opening up opportunities that can enhance your life. This is a great time for making progress into your future and establishing a great network of connections. Leave a financial tussle as any more time spent on it is draining, instead focus on the potential you have with other relationships.


